All the stamps sold are garanteed genuine and according to the stock of the day.
Warranty : If you dont like the condition of a stamp or a set, return same for exchange. It will then be exchanged or credit given.
All our shipment are mailed by registred mail and travel at customer's risk.
We can ship insured by
E.M.S. (express mail) or through a private company
such as DHL, FexEx, UPS or TNT , but the charges
will be of 30 € minimum, shipping + insurance up
to 3000 €.
Minimum order : 50 € + 6.50 € registred postage (using B. stamps)
Free postage for any order over 300 €. Payment with order.
For an order less than 50 €, we must charge a handling charge of 5
€. extra. Please furnish us with an alternative list, should your first choice be sold out. This in order to make the free postage limit or furnish us with a large want list with a limit.
If you desire, any excess over the limit could be shipped within 4-8 weeks.
From Britain, British
Commonwealt and the USA, the best way to pay is
SKRILL - Moneybookers. Go on their web site and pay
in direct. You willhave only 1% charge instead of 10
or 20 $ charge. I'm sorry that Paypal refuse to
collaborate with me, so that will be impossible.
I accept cash in dollars at the bank rate as stated in the newspapers for bank transactions over one million $. I charge the credits cards also on the same middle rate.
The credit card will be the best system to pay.
For orders over 500 €, only AMERICAN EXPRESS C.C. will be accepted
Send by fax your C.C # and exp. date please. Or gives this informations by letter if you send your wantlist.
Except for oversea customers please add 6 € for bank charges for any payment under 300 €
or ask your bank to take
all the expenses at YOUR charge. Thank you !
KBC Bank : Iban BE78
7310 2158 3986 BIC : KREDBEBB -----
Iban BE12 0016 5757 4392 Bic : GEBABEBB